
Instant Coffee – How is it Made & What Are The Benefits

In this 21st century, each and every individual depends upon machines that help them to reduce their efforts and finish the task in the minimum amount of time. In this world, where humans deal with different types of stress and have a lack of time for relieving that stress then here, we came up with instant coffee.

Instant coffee is a non-alcoholic beverage that is got from brewed coffee beans that enable people to make instant hot coffee by simply adding hot water or milk to the instant coffee powder.  Instant coffee is made from pure coffee beans which are roasted, then ground, and finally brewed. After that, all of the water is completely removed from the brewed coffee and then leave that coffee as dehydrated crystals. Surprisingly, when you add water to those dehydrated crystals then it turns back into coffee which all of us known as instant-coffee. Interestingly, in 1851 the first instant coffee was created by Alphonse Allais.

Instant Coffee Vs Ground Coffee

Instant Coffee Vs Ground Coffee
Instant Coffee Vs Ground Coffee

Now there are two types of coffee the first one is instant coffee and another one is freshly ground coffee. The freshly ground coffee is simply a coffee bean that you grind in a grinder. On the other hand, instant coffee is in the form of coffee powder. Just like the name instant coffee was invented to provide an instant alternative for the regular brewing process. Freshly grounded coffee has more amount of caffeine content as compared to instant coffee which also impacts flavors. Unlike ground coffee, instant-coffee granules will dissolve completely once water is added to them and no waste substance will dispose of. But if you want to enjoy the delicious taste of fresh coffee without worrying of too much caffeine, you can also try decaffeinated coffee beans.

How is instant coffee made?

The instant coffee is made by either a spray-drying process or a freeze-drying process. Here’s the procedure of how exactly instant coffee made: –

  1. So, the first step is loading green coffee beans to the machines and then coffee beans are sieved and cleaned by machines so that unwanted debris are removed
  2. Next step is roasting of the beans so that original green color turn into the more familiar brown.  After few minutes of roasting of the bean the are rapidly cool down at specific temperature
  3. After roasting coffee beans sent to be ground in an industrial roller mill grinder. Interestingly, when coffee is sent in the ground, naturally a lot of the aromas are lost into the thin air. For minimizing the loss, nitrogen gas has been pumped through the grounds for collecting aromas, the capturing of aromas on its way through. Then vapor is stored in a tank which is to be added later on.
  4. The next step is brewing, in this step the ground coffee is now mixed with water to brew.
  5. This step is to see the transformation into instant coffee. Now the brewed and filtered coffee is sent to the giant evaporation tank that spans the entire six floors of the Derbyshire factory.
  6. After evaporation the next step is freezing, once the container is chilled the syrupy coffee extract is poured onto a conveyor belt which makes its way into a giant freezer with temperatures between -40°C and -50°C. by freezing coffee is broken down into granules but these deep-frozen granules still contain water which is need to be removed
  7. The Most important step is sublimation, in which it changes the solid into gas without passing through the intermediate liquid phase. In sublimation the frozen water vaporizes by heating the coffee in a strong vacuum. By this when the coffee granules passed by vacuum, they are completely dried with the aromas locked in it
  8. The next step is aromas which is earlier captured with nitrogen gas are readded.
  9. The last step is packaging your favorite instant coffee in the pouch or glass jars.

How to make instant coffee

There are lots of well-known instant coffee present in market such as bru instant coffee, Nescafe instant coffee, Mount Hagen instant coffee, rage instant coffee and much more. There are many ways to make instant coffee, the most common way is: –

  1. For making instant coffee basic requirement are-1 cup (250 mL) hot water, 1 to 2 teaspoons instant coffee, 1 to 2 teaspoons sugar (optional), Milk or creamer (optional) and Cocoa, spices, or vanilla extract (optional)
  2. First step is to take a container and heat a mug of water in a high or medium flame. The take the water off the stoves just before it starts boiling
  3. After boiling the water add 1-2 table spoon of instant coffee in a mug
  4. Then dissolve the coffee with the table spoon of cold water
  5. Pour hot water into a mug. Remember to leave space for milk or creamer if someone don’t prefer lack coffee
  6. Then mix sugar, spices if it is necessary. For the richer coffee flavor just add sugar or spices after mixing the coffee with hot water
  7. Serve it in the mag

Advantages Of Instant Coffee

Everyone’s cup of coffee contains lots of advantages and health benefits, few of them are: –

  1. On the basis of study, instant coffee contains higher number of antioxidants than other brews
  2. Drinking instant coffee enhance brain function because caffeine contain that can improve brain function
  3. It reduces risk of disease neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
  4. Coffee also improves mental health, it helps in lower down the stress, anxiety and depression
  5. Coffee also boosts the metabolism which help to reduce more fat and it is also low-calorie beverage

Disadvantages Of Instant Coffee

Here are some disadvantages of instant coffee: –

  1. One of the biggest drawbacks of instant-coffee is that it has less caffeine than regular coffee
  2. Instant coffee contains large amount of acrylamide that is a harmful chemical which is formed when coffee beans are roasted. This is increasing the risk of cancer and harmful for nervous system.
  3.  Instant coffee contains caffeine which is additive drug. So, it should not be consumed o the regular basis