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Green Tea Shots – A Fun Drink For Party

Green Tea Shots have become a popular drink among party-goers in recent years. This unique and flavorful cocktail is a type of alcoholic shot made with green tea liqueur, Jameson whiskey, and sour mix. Its combination of sweet, sour, and bitter flavors has made it a favorite among those looking for a tasty and refreshing drink that packs a punch. Get ready explore what Green Tea Shots are, how they’re made, and how popular this drink is. Whether you’re a seasoned bartender or just looking to mix up your cocktail game, read on to learn more about Green Tea Shots.

What are Green Tea Shots?

Green Tea Shots
Green Tea Shots

Green Tea Shots are a type of alcoholic shot made with a unique combination of ingredients that result in a distinctive and delicious flavor. The drink is typically made with green tea liqueur, Jameson whiskey, and sour mix.

Green Tea Liqueur

Green Tea Liqueur
Green Tea Liqueur

This is a key ingredient in Green Tea Shots, providing a subtle bitterness that balances out the sweetness of the other ingredients. Green tea liqueur is made from green tea leaves, which are infused into alcohol to create a unique flavor profile. The liqueur adds a hint of bitterness and a delicate green tea flavor to the cocktail.

Jameson Whiskey

Jameson Whiskey
Jameson Whiskey

Jameson is a popular Irish whiskey that is known for its smooth, mellow flavor. It adds a kick to the Green Tea Shots and helps to balance out the sweetness of the sour mix. The whiskey provides a strong, smoky flavor that pairs well with the other ingredients.

Sour Mix

Sour Mix
Sour Mix

Sour mix is a combination of lemon juice and sugar that is used in many cocktails. It adds a sweet and sour flavor to the Green Tea Shots, which works well with the bitterness of the green tea liqueur. The sour mix provides a refreshing and tangy flavor that complements the other ingredients in the cocktail.

The green tea liqueur adds a subtle bitterness to the drink, which is balanced by the sweetness of the sour mix. The Jameson whiskey provides a strong kick, which helps to balance the flavors and give the drink a little extra potency.

One of the reasons that Green Tea Shots have become so popular is due to the unique combination of flavors. The drink is both sweet and sour, with a hint of bitterness from the green tea liqueur. The resulting taste is complex and refreshing, making it a popular choice among those looking for a new and exciting cocktail to try.

Additionally, Green Tea Shots are often served as shots, which makes them a fun and convenient option for parties and gatherings. The small size of the shot allows people to enjoy the drink quickly and easily, making it a popular choice for those who want to get the party started quickly.

How To Make Green Tea Shots?

If you’re interested in making Green Tea Shots at home, here is a step-by-step guide:

Make Green Tea Shots Ingredients:

  • 1 oz green tea liqueur
  • 1 oz Jameson whiskey
  • 1 oz sour mix
  • Ice cubes


  • Shot glass
  • Cocktail shaker
  • Jigger or measuring cup
  • Strainer


  1. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice cubes.
  2. Add the green tea liqueur, Jameson whiskey, and sour mix to the shaker.
  3. Use the jigger or measuring cup to measure out each ingredient precisely.
  4. Close the cocktail shaker and shake it vigorously for about 10 seconds.
  5. Strain the mixture into a shot glass.
  6. Serve immediately and enjoy!

Tips and Tricks:

  • For a stronger kick, you can increase the amount of whiskey in the recipe.
  • If you prefer a sweeter drink, you can add a splash of simple syrup to the mixture.
  • To make the drink even more refreshing, you can add a small amount of fresh lime juice to the recipe.
  • Make sure to use quality ingredients to ensure the best possible taste.
  • When shaking the cocktail shaker, be sure to shake it hard to ensure that all ingredients are mixed properly.

Green Tea Shots Origin and Alternatives

Green Tea Shots have become a popular cocktail in recent years, but their origins are not entirely clear. Some sources claim that the drink was first created by a bartender at a Japanese restaurant in New York City, while others suggest that it was developed in a bar in Tokyo. Regardless of its origins, the drink’s unique flavor and refreshing qualities have made it a popular choice among drinkers worldwide.

While the classic Green Tea Shot recipe consists of green tea liqueur, Jameson whiskey, and sour mix, there are many variations and alternative recipes available. Some bartenders choose to replace the green tea liqueur with matcha powder for a more authentic green tea flavor, while others add in additional ingredients such as fresh ginger or honey for added complexity.

If you’re looking for alternative or complementary drinks to try, there are many options that pair well with Green Tea Shots. For a non-alcoholic option, try a matcha latte or a green tea smoothie. For a more potent alcoholic drink, try a Japanese whiskey highball or a gin and tonic with a splash of green tea liqueur.